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The Role of Djembatan Dua in Supporting the Reduction of Stunting in East Java

The 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) showed a decrease in the national stunting prevalence to 21.6 percent, a decrease of 2.8 percent compared to the previous year. East Java (Jatim) province experienced a significant decrease in stunting prevalence from 23.5 percent to 19.2 percent in 2022.

Midwives play a crucial role in preventing and reducing stunting in Jatim, which is now below the maximum standard set by the World Health Organization (WHO). They provide support, education, and guidance to expectant mothers during their reproductive years, pregnancy, the first 1,000 days of a baby's life, and until the child is five years old.

A thousand midwives in the Surabaya greater-area participated in the 1,000 Midwife Education and Stunting Intervention program at Dyandra Convention Center in Surabaya, East Java on Saturday, February 11, 2023. The event was attended by East Java Governor Mrs. Khofifah Indra Parawansa, Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Mr. dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Head of the East Java Provincial Health Office Mr. Dr. Erwin Astha Triyono, Chairman of the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) Central Mrs. Dr. Emi Nurjasmi, and Chairman of the IBI East Java Mrs. Hj. Lestari.

"Some say that midwives are not everything, but without midwives, BKKBN is nothing. Jatim has experienced a very significant decrease to 19.2 percent in 2022. WHO has set a maximum stunting rate of 20 percent. I think this is a big development," said dr. Hasto.

Mrs. Khofifah added, "We have a big task to complete, it's a task among all of us. A very good synergy must be built among various parties. Midwives are in the right position to take on this role," she said.

PT Djembatan Dua is part of Medela Potentia, through Argon Peduli, participated by supporting the donation of health equipment in the form of wash gloves to help maintain the health of the midwives that present at the event. The Stardec wash gloves, owned by Medela Potentia, contains antiseptic, softener, and moisturizer that is safe for the skin.

Stardec is marketed by Medela Potentia's subsidiary PT Djembatan Dua and has been included in the procurement of government health equipment products in the e-Katalog of the National Procurement Policy Agency for Goods/Services (LKPP).

President Director of Medela Potentia, Mr. Krestijanto Pandji stated that Medela Potentia is committed to developing the quality of human resources that will contribute to the improvement of national health resilience. One way is through support for reducing stunting, which is an early step towards realizing this goal.

"Therefore, in line with the company's values, deal with care, we also have a responsibility to improve the health of the people, preventively, by donating our medical devices products," said Mr. Krestijanto.

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