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Promoting Healthcare Access, Argon Peduli Provides Free Medical Treatment in South Tangerang

Djembatan Dua through Argon Peduli, continued its series of social activities by organizing a free medical treatment event on Saturday, July 15, 2023, for the community in the Pamulang District, South Tangerang City.

A total of 258 individuals had the opportunity to consult with doctors regarding their health concerns and undergo health checks, including blood pressure, uric acid, blood sugar, and cholesterol tests.

The event was attended by Mr. Steve Nova Wibowo, Branch Manager of AAM Jakarta 3; Mr. Irman Arifin, Deputy Branch Manager of AAM Jakarta 3; along with the team from Argon Peduli.

Mr. Irman emphasized that the free health checks and medical treatment event exemplifies the company's commitment to improving the quality of healthcare for the Indonesian community. "This event is our way of participating in promoting the health of our nation. We hope this event is beneficial to those in need," said Mr. Irman.

The social activity of providing free health checks and medical treatment is a manifestation of the company's core value, "Deal with Care." Nancy Kartika, HR Director of Medela Potentia, stated that this free medical treatment event reinforces the company's commitment to providing equitable healthcare services for the Indonesian society.

"On behalf of the community, we are extremely grateful for the free health checks and medical treatment. This activity means a lot to us," said Mr. Madi, a resident of Pondok Cabe Udik Village, Pamulang, South Tangerang.

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